Common Agricultural Policy

There are still barriers to full adoption of plant-based. Image Source: Getty Images/coldsnowstorm

How will policy in Europe affect plant-based?

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

A diverse range of businesses, academics and activists have supported a transition to plant-based protein. But in Europe, politics, and political will, still provide a barrier.

Picture: iStock

EFRA seeks clarity for ag policy after Brexit

By Joseph James Whitworth

MPs have welcomed plans for agricultural policy after Brexit but warned a lack of clarity on funding, timing and delivery risks damaging the sector.

Northern Ireland farmers remain bullish over CAP

UFU highlights CAP issues to be resolved

By Nicholas Robinson

The Ulster Farmers’ Union (UFU) has said there are still a number of “crucial” issues to be addressed in order to ensure a workable CAP for Northern Ireland.

Copa-Cogeca issues warning over EU beef industry

Farm group calls for EU beef action

By Carina Perkins

European farming group Copa-Cogeca has warned that the EU beef industry is facing a “serious situation” and called on policy makers to address the problems affecting the sector. 

Irish farmers to stage protest day

Irish farmers to stage protest day

By Nicholas Robinson

Ireland’s agricultural industry will close down next Tuesday (16 October) in support of a day of action by Irish farmers.

Connecting consumer and farm

Connecting consumer and farm

As discussions continue at a European level on the proposed new
reform to the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), farmers in the UK
are to launch a cross-industry campaign that aims to bridge the gap
between consumer and producer.

Hope for CAP

Hope for CAP

Decoupling would secure significant income gains for EU farmers,
writes the European Commission this week. The comment on the link
between production and subsidy - so called 'decoupling' - is in
response to the release of...


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